Our 4 topics:
- Introduction to Patents (Intellectual Property) for High School Students
- Introduction to Patents (Intellectual Property) for College Students
- Reaching Goals to Achievement
- Shape Up for College
Introduction to Patents for High School Students
This workshop gives students a basic understanding of the world of Patents and other Intellectual Property. Students are shown how patents are a major force in our economy. We will tell students how to get in the game of IP. Interactive presentation can be in person or online virtual 30-45 min.
Introduction to Patents for College Students
This workshop focus on college students giving them a more detailed look at the world of patents and other intellectual property. Students are shown how patents are a major force in our economy. As college students contemplate their career path they will be informed about how to become part of IP as an inventor, lawyer or working for the (USPTO) government. Interactive presentation can be in person or online virtual 30-45 min.
Reaching Goals to Achievement
This workshop will introduce students to the volunteering. In addition we will show students how to set goals and potentially achieve a Presidential award. We show students how to get more out of their efforts when they volunteer. Interactive presentation can be in person or online virtual 30-45 min.
Shape Up for College
The thought of college can be scary when you do not know what to expect. This workshop will give students an overview of what they may forget to think about when planning for college. We will answer questions like how are professors different than teachers and who is the ombudsman? Interactive presentation can be in person or online virtual 30-45 min.